
Another look at... Planetary Preview


Warren Ellis
John Cassaday
Laura Martin, David Baron, Wildstorm FX

Lots of spoilers here. You might want to read the series before reading this overview.

Planetary launched with an 8 page preview in April 1998. The series concluded in October 2009. It ran for 27 issues.
11 years is a long time to wait for any series to conclude. In this case, I don't mind at all.

The Preview...
Like a good pop song it has a great hook. The Planetary team shows up on a military base that "doesn't exist" to speak with a General about events that "didn't happen". What follows is a new vision of the Hulk mythos. David Paine, a military scientist, was assigned under this General to build bombs. This Paine fellow was building a "quantium box," that was "rotating things out of reality," based on the "experimenter's intent". He called it Integral Design Theory. The bomb is built, a test is set up, the General's wife (smitten with and at that moment looking for Paine) gets herself within the blast radius of the bomb and the heroic David Paine saves her at great cost to himself. Caught in the explosion, Paine "ran an Integral Design Theory equation in his head. And he became something that'd survive the bomb." The Paine monster was captured by the military and his fate stands revealed.

Best bit...
I've read this preview 10-15 times. Paine's theory of Inegrel Design Equation has, until now, been a mere MacGuffin for a new Hulk origin. Oh, silly rabbit...

Posted from my thoughts with the help of machines.


Promises, promises...

Planetary vol. 4 in now out in Hardcover. I feel a review of the whole series is in order. Look for it Sunday. Late. Look for this in fine booksellers everywhere.

Posted from my thoughts with the help of machines.

Quick hit 2...

Now out in hardcover. It is strange. It is way fun. If you don't want to pony up for the HC find the floppys.

Posted from my thoughts with the help of machines.

Quick hit...

Hate the title, love the book.

Best bit: if you don't know about these great female creators, well now you do. Find other work by these people and give them all of your money.

Posted from my thoughts with the help of machines.


If you don't know...

My pal Steve had a chat with David Petersen of "Mouse Guard" fame. Great book, good guy, can't wait for the new minis. Check it out:


Posted from my thoughts with the help of machines.